Fundamental Image

Clarity in action: Visibility, Trust, Transparency

Building and maintaining a transparent and trustworthy organisation is key for the founders of Feed the World. As a not for profit we have a responsibility not only to our beneficiaries and our donors but also report as required to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.

What is transparency?

In simple terms transparency means being clear, open and truthful. In our fundraising it means we will use funds as they were intended. In our projects design and implementation, it means assessing our field partners with objective criteria; outlining who does what, by when and how much. In finance and compliance, it means auditing our projects and submitting reports to our donors and ACNC as required.

How do we distribute your contributions?

Utilising world class CRM systems – the team will allocate your contributions as requested. In rare occasion there may be a saturation of a particular type of aid (food) following a natural disaster; we may then redirect your contributions to something more beneficial/impactful where there is a shortage (Medical). Saying this your donation type will always be used as intended. Zakat will only by used in Zakat eligible causes, sadaqa as sadaqa etc.

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Depending on the nominated relief campaign you may receive reporting at a personal level or at a complete initiative level. FTW will report on community fundraising initiatives at a high level – meaning a singular report to cover many unique contributions; for individual construction or sponsorship initiatives FTW will aim to report at in individual 1-1 level.

Your Donation Their Future

Lets Make Difference Icon

Every contribution has the ability to create the potential to uplift lives, transform communities and renew hope. With your help we can turn challenge into opportunity, adversity into strength and build pathways to a successful future.

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Contribute once or make a regular contribution to ensure your impact is felt regularly.